Working with Political Councils

Course Description 

Do you have councillors who are overtly members of a political party?

Does your council have political groups?

This discussion session looks at the pros and cons of party politics in councils, what the provisions are for politics at town and parish level in local government law and procedures, and how as clerk you should manage the dynamics and tensions between political groups.

A seasoned clerk will share their wisdom, but this is mainly a discussion session, so it is about sharing experiences – good and bad – and learning from each other.

This is an interactive course  and offers the opportunity to network with Clerks from Councils across Northamptonshire to share best practice and ideas. 

Who Should Attend
Clerks with political parties within their council

Course tutor

Danny Moody

Chief Executive, Northants CALC

Danny joined the Association in 2007. He has been a parish councillor since 2003 and has had various roles on committees and working parties as well as Chair to the council.  He achieved Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) in 2008 and is a Principal Member of the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC). 


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