Tuesday's Training Treat
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and S106

This course covers Section 106 agreements regime and Community Infrastructure Levy. The training will include a section of ensuring that the requests for financial and other contributions that Parish and Town Councils submit are as persuasive as they can be.

This is an interactive course  and offers the opportunity to network with Clerks and Councillors from Councils across Northamptonshire to share best practice and ideas. 

Key areas covered in this course include:

  • Inform you what CIL is, what the charging regime is for West Northamptonshire Councils and how the charge is applied and collected

  • Examine exemptions from CIL and what this means for Town and Parish Councils

  • Explain how CIL sits alongside site specific Developer Contributions (s106 agreements)

  • Describe what CIL can be spent on by the 'collecting authority' (Regulation 123 list) and how Town and Parish Councils can spend their payments and explain the difference in payments if you have a Neighbourhood Plan.

  • Explain what the reporting requirements of CIL are for Town and Parish Councils

  • Provide case studies of what CIL payments may represent for different areas with and without a Neighbourhood Plan

Who Should Attend
This  course is suitable for new  and existing Councillors. Clerks are also welcome to attend. 

Cost  (per delegate)
£42 + VAT Members
£84 + VAT Non Members

Date and Time
3 December 2024 10:00-12:00 Online

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 (Remember, you need to be logged in and have permission to book)

Tuesday's Training Treat
A.I. For Council Communications & Community Engagement