Police Liaison Representative
Here you will find everything related to the Northamptonshire Police Liaison Representative (PLR) Scheme, from the role description, new sign up link and upcoming events.
The PLR Scheme, is where every parish and town council and parish meeting appoints a person (could be a councillor, officer, or member of the public) to act as a single point of contact for the police. It is the same principle as the Parish Paths Warden Scheme for rights of way and the Highways Representative Scheme for highways. The scheme was trialled a few years ago in Daventry district, but was not adequately managed so it rather fizzled out. This time, Northamptonshire Police has asked Northants CALC to manage and administer the scheme.
Here you will find everything related to the Northamptonshire Police Liaison Representative (PLR) Scheme, from the role description, new sign up link and upcoming events.
The PLR Scheme, is where every parish and town council and parish meeting appoints a person (could be a councillor, officer, or member of the public) to act as a single point of contact for the police. It is the same principle as the Parish Paths Warden Scheme for rights of way and the Highways Representative Scheme for highways. The scheme was trialled a few years ago in Daventry district, but was not adequately managed so it rather fizzled out. This time, Northamptonshire Police has asked Northants CALC to manage and administer the scheme.
The Role of a PLR

Add/Amend PLR Contact
To sign up a newly appointed PLR please click here . By clicking this link, you confirm that the Council has appointed you as the PLR.
If your PLR has left or details have changed please email: sharding@northantscalc.gov.uk
Please note: one PLR contact per Council.
Neighbourhood Policing Maps and Force Matters of Priority
Please find below the latest personnel appointed to the Neighbourhood Policing Teams. The staffing details are of course subject to change as there are new recruits and when people retire etc. In particular there will be changes after September 2021 when more officers are joining Neighbourhood Policing. The names and maps will be updated from time to time to reflect the changes.
Please find below the latest personnel appointed to the Neighbourhood Policing Teams. The staffing details are of course subject to change as there are new recruits and when people retire etc. In particular there will be changes after September 2021 when more officers are joining Neighbourhood Policing. The names and maps will be updated from time to time to reflect the changes.

Force Matters of Priority
More details about the different priorities can be found here:
To report a crime or incident, provide information or for advice, call 101 or visit
. In an emergency, when there is a crime in progress or a life at risk, always call 999.
PLR Conference - June 2024
The 4
Annual PLR Conference was held on
Tuesday 25 June 2024, from 7 – 9pm.
Danny Moody, Chief Executive of Northants CALC, opened the proceedings and welcomed the attendees and special guests - including Danielle Stone, who was elected as the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) for Northamptonshire in May 2024. The Commissioner fielded questions from attendees ranging from issues with visible policing and provision of crime data, through to communications and trust in public servants. Following the Commissioner's talk, the attendees were allocated into breakout rooms. In the plenary session following the breakout rooms each of the facilitators gave a short summary of the topics that were discussed, the questions that had been asked, and the action points that had been identified. These will be captured and written up and then used to identify ongoing areas for improvement, including to the PLR Scheme itself. Danny Moody wrapped up proceedings and thanked everyone for their attendance and then invited the Commissioner to say some closing words.
PLR Conference - June 2023
The 3rd Annual PLR Conference was held on Tuesday 27 June 2023, from 7 – 9pm.
The conference was opened by the Chief Constable, Nick Adderley, who welcomed PLRs and said that the scheme was valuable to Northamptonshire Police. Topics at the conference focused on the new Roads Policing Team, crime statistics and how to use them, and the relaunch of Northamptonshire Talking (previously Neighbourhood Alerts). The Chief Constable and senior officers from Northamptonshire Police all gave talks, as well as the PLRs having the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
PLR Conference - June 2022
The 2nd Annual PLR Conference was held on Tuesday 28 June 2022, from 7 – 9pm.
There was a review of the PLR Scheme over the past year – what has worked well and what hasn't worked well – and a look forward to what PLRs can expect in the coming 12 months. Senior police officers responsible for Neighbourhood Policing in Northamptonshire, and the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner both gave talks, as well as several PLRs shared how it's been from their end of the telescope.
PLR Steering Group
The PLR Steering Group to provide strategic direction for the scheme has been formed and comprises of:
- Sgt Greg Harrison – Daventry Neighbourhood Policing Team
- Sgt Baz Hughes - Wellingborough Neighbourhood Policing Team
- Danny Moody – CEO, Northants CALC
- Martin Flanagan – Chairman, Northamptonshire Independent Advisory Group
- Andy Tennet – PLR, Tiffield Parish Council (reserve Jo Williams, PLR, Apethorpe Village Meeting)
- Dawn Allingham, Communications Officer, Northamptonshire Police
Feedback, Comments or Questions
If you have any feedback, comments or questions about the PLR Scheme please complete this form: