If they haven't already, get your Councillors to complete the Training Needs Analysis for Councillors to identify their gaps in skills and knowledge and where we can help plug those gaps:
Training Needs Analysis
All new councillors should complete the Foundation stage of the Councillor Development Framework as a minimum, details can be found here: Foundation
Councillors wishing to join specific committees should do the relevant training for that committee, for example a councillor wanting to be on the Planning Committee should attend Planning Nuts and Bolts and Responding to Planning Applications as a minimum.
New Chairs or Mayors should look to complete the Leader stage of the Councillor Development Framework, details can be found here: Leader
To set expectations for training we recommend you have a robust Training Policy and Statement of Intent, sample documents can be found here:
Training Policy
Statement of Intent
Whole Council Training
Another training option is to have a whole council development session where all councillors in attendance, including the clerk and any other officers, all hear the same thing at the same time. We can come to you or training can be online at a time and day that suits your council. More details can be found here.