Civic Protocol

A new Civic Protocol for Northamptonshire has been published under the auspices of HM Lord-Lieutenant of Northamptonshire.

The aim of the protocol is to establish a countywide approach to the civic function and how it is delivered across Northamptonshire. The protocol seeks to celebrate and preserve Northamptonshire's rich history and civic tradition. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of various civic figures, such as the Lord-Lieutenant, the High Sheriff of Northamptonshire, the Chairs of West and North Northamptonshire Councils and all the Mayors and Chairs of town and parish councils across the county. It provides for a consistent approach to civic matters, such as the order of precedence at civic engagements and events.  Additionally, it aims to support local businesses and charities, to promote the visitor economy, and to recognise deserving individuals and organisations within the county.

The Civic Protocol has been developed by the Northamptonshire County Civic Working Group; a group originally established by the Lord-Lieutenant in 2021 as the Platinum Jubilee Committee. Chaired by the Lord-Lieutenant, James Saunders Watson, it includes Father Oliver Coss, Rector of Northampton and representatives from Northants CALC, North Northamptonshire Council, West Northamptonshire Council, and Northampton Town Council.