6 June 2024 marks the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings and parish and town councils are encouraged to take part by lighting a Beacon on that day representing the ‘light of peace’ that emerged from the darkness of war.
The King’s Pageantmaster, Bruno Peek, has produced a Guide To Taking Part and this, along with the official logo for the event, and the Certificate of Grateful Recognition, can now be downloaded from: www.d-day80beacons.co.uk.
A “beacon” can be anything from a small bonfire to a gas or even laser display. Please do consider taking part and see the guide for all the details.
D-Day 80 Pin Badge & The County of Northamptonshire
Empire Medals have kindly produced a Pin Badge for D-Day 80 - 6th June 2024, to assist in the Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France, in a very simple and cost effective way, providing all those purchasing them with a unique opportunity to pay their personal ‘tribute’ to past family members involved in D-Day on 6th June 1944, and/or WWII as a whole.
Please encourage family, friends and members of your Parish and Towns to purchase the pin badges too, enabling them to wear them with pride during the build up to D-Day 80, and on 6th June this year.
To see the Commeroration event is growing, and for further updates, please visit the D-Day 80 website:
January 2024 Update
As you are aware, we are organising D-Day 80 - 6th June 2024, throughout the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories in Commemoration/Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings on the five Beaches in Normandy, France, which took place on 6th June 1944, enabling your Council and local community to use this occasion to pay ’tribute’ to the many, many thousands that sacrificed so much in helping to secure the freedom we all enjoy today. With this in mind, we have developed several ways in which your Council and community can take part in this special occasion.
To read more about the update, please click on the icon below:
Below is more information about the
Lamp Light of Peace and the Ringing Out for Peace
- this information will enable the D-Day information to be shared with and encourages Councils to take part in D-Day 80, using their involvement as their communities 'tribute' to those that sacrificed so much in helping secure the freedom we all enjoy today.
D-Day 80 Documents