Human Factors In The Workplace

Have you ever done something wrong and instantly felt your stomach drop to your boots? Perhaps you sent a sensitive email to the wrong person, or  got injured using a piece of equipment? None of us are immune to making mistakes... after all, we're only human! 

Human error can occur for a number of reasons: the way our brain processes information; our training - or lack of it; the design of our equipment and procedures; or even the culture of the organisation we work for.

Understanding how and why we get things wrong is an important factor in preventing and mitigating potentially serious incidents in the workplace and beyond.

This course helps you understand types of human error and provides guidance on how to recognise and manage 'error traps'. You'll also gain an awareness of the Human Performance (HuP) tools that can help mitigate any error traps which can't be removed.

When you finish the course, you'll be asked to demonstrate your understanding of some of the key points by completing a short assessment.

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Understand the main types of errors that humans make
  • Identify key workplace error traps in order to remove or manage them
  • Recognise which Human Performance (HuP) tools can be used to mitigate error traps that can't be removed

E-learning is not intended to replace our virtual/physical classroom training.

Cost per delegate
£25 +VAT members
£50 +VAT non members

All council employees and councillors are welcome to access the e-learning.


  • The email address of the delegate must be unique to the delegate; it cannot be shared or the clerk's email address.
  • Log in details MUST NOT be shared; anyone found abusing this rule will be removed from the e-learning platform permanently.