Hall of Fame

Peter Byng, Director (2009-2017)
Peter Byng was from Silverstone. He joined the board of directors in 2009 and the Association benefitted greatly from his constitutional knowledge. Peter led the structural change of membership fees in 2014 which saw the Association put on a sound financial footing with the majority of core costs being covered by membership subscriptions. Peter was elected chairman in November 2016 but died of cancer in June 2017 part way though his first year as chairman. He was a great gentleman and a huge supporter of the Association.

Eric Franklin, Director (2007-2012)
Eric Franklin, from Thrapston, served on the County Committee and board of directors from 2007 to 2012. As a published local historian, he took on the job of writing the Association's history and in 2013 published "The History of Northamptonshire County Association of Local Councils and its predecessors between 1947 and 2012", which instantly became a precious document, charting the history of the Association since its humble beginnings in 1947. Eric had a can-do attitude and was always willing to help and to support the staff. When Northants CALC moved into its premises in Litchborough, Eric gave up several days of his time to help set up the offices. There is a short piece about Eric in the above-mentioned publication.

David Hill, Vice President (1988-2015)
David Hill, from Higham Ferrers, was voted onto the County Committee in 1988 and was chairman of the Association between 1996 and 1999. He acted as Treasurer until the Association incorporated, after which he was appointed as a Vice President. David was one of the longest serving members of the County Committee but always had an eye to the future and wanted to explore new opportunities to better serve member councils. David retired as a Vice President in 2015.

David Hughes, Director (1986-2013)
David Hughes, from Billing, joined the County Committee in 1986 and was a stalwart until his retirement in 2013. He had planned to get more involved in the Association on his retirement from the Civil Service but unfortunately ill health intervened. David was famously the Association's representative on the Court of the University of Northampton, where he reported on an annual basis that he had "been to a jolly good lunch"!

David Linnell, Director (2007-2014)
David Linnell was Clerk to Higham Ferrers Town Council from 1998 to 2011 and was encouraged by David Hill to get involved with the Association. With his enormous knowledge of governance matters David was just the right person to be chairman of the Association between 2011 and 2013 as the Association settled into its incorporation as a company limited by guarantee and was one of its four founding directors. David resigned from the board in early 2014. He was a great supporter of the staff and always made sure that the views of the clerkship were considered during board discussions. David passed away in December 2018 after a long illness.

Bernard Lock, Honorary Treasurer (1980s-2015)
A long-standing member of the County Committee, serving for at least three decades in one capacity or another. In 2008 Bernard was appointed as the Honorary Treasurer and he held that post until the post was abolished in 2015, after which Bernard retired. He was integral to the transition of the Association to being a modern, progressive and independent organisation.

Catherine Lomax, Vice President (2012-2021)
Catherine Lomax was a member of Daventry District Council (DDC) for over twenty years, and has a very long association with Northants CALC. Catherine is a true communitarian and has been a champion of parish and town councils in the Barby and Kilsby area and throughout the district for decades. Catherine was appointed as a Vice President in 2012 - this role was abolished at the AGM in October 2021 where Catherine retired.

John Marshall, Director (2009-2016)
John Marshall was from Roade. He was a member of the Internal Audit Service team and became a director in 2009. John was variously a councillor and a clerk, so had a unique perspective seeing things from both sides of the fence. John used his enormous knowledge of audit and risk assessment built up from a career working for the Health & Safety Executive to help the board establish sound and robust governance arrangements. John was a strong supporter of the staff and the Association.

Dryden Phillipson, Director (2006-2013)
Dryden Phillipson was from Middleton near Corby. He joined the Association at a pivotal time and was a key driver of the governance changes from 2007. He became chairman in 2008 and was chairman and one of the four original directors on incorporation in 2010. Dryden was always keen to explore new ways of doing things, which he always approached with a cautious and analytical mind. Dryden resigned in 2013 shortly before moving to France to continue his retirement in warmer climes.

Gwen Radcliffe, Director (1986-2021)
Gwen Radcliffe from Oundle joined the County Committee (the precursor of the board) in 1986 and served as chairman from 1993-1996. As the Association’s National Council representative, she was vice chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Association of Local Councils. Gwen was one of the four founding directors of Northants CALC Ltd after incorporation in 2010. Gwen continued to be a director until 2014 and following this, Gwen become a Vice President of the Association – this role was abolished at the AGM in October 2021 where Gwen retired.

Gordon Shorley, Vice President (1999-2021)
Gordon Shorley from Ashley joined the County Committee in 1999 and served as its chairman from 2005 to 2008, a seminal period during which the Association embarked on a journey to independence and autonomy, and transition into a modern, forward-looking organisation under Gordon’s leadership. Gordon was pivotal to the office move to Litchborough in 2008, and in 2010 was another founding director at incorporation. Gordon was appointed as a Vice President of the Association – this role was abolished at the AGM in October 2021 where Gordon retired.