CiLCA Training

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01. CiLCA Session One

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:48:18 UTC by JAMS Assistant

Here you will find handouts relelvant to session one. 

  1. Recap notes for session one

  2. CiLCA Training plan – Students – this is the order in which the learning outcomes will be deivered during training so you know what to expect.  

  3. CiLCA Completion dates template – this can be used to keep track of when learning outcomes are covered during training and when you have completed the work

  4. Annotations – this is page 8 from your portfolio as a separate document, this page should be used when completing annotations

  5. Guidance notes for laying out your portfolio

  6. List of policies and documents councils are required/recommended to have

  7. Templates for Learning Ooutcomes 1-4. There will not be templates for every learning outcomes

  8. Legal Topic Note 2 and Legal Topic Note 5E may help with learning outcome 1