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Budgeting Information 2023/24

Last updated: 12 October 2023 at 09:24:01 UTC by Sophie Harding

 Budgeting Information for 2023/24 for Parish and Town Councils and Parish Meetings in Northamptonshire

Parish and town councils normally start preparing their budgets in the autumn for the following financial year with a view to setting the precept at their January meeting. This annual summary from Northants CALC provides information on precepts, budgeting, subscription costs, internal and external audit fees, salary costs, and asset and service devolution.

Financial Year

The information below relates to the financial year beginning on 1 April 2023 and ending on 31 March 2024.

Precept Referendums

Unlike principal councils, parish and town councils are not restricted in the increases that can be applied to precepts. The Council Tax Referendum Principles do not apply to parish and town councils currently and there is no indication that the government plans to introduce “capping” for parish and town councils in the future.

The Budgeting Process

All parish councils are under a statutory duty to produce a budget. Please see the article in eUpdate (http://www.northantscalc.com/uploads/ncalc-eupdate-sep-2016.pdf) on budgeting starting at page 13. The Practitioner’s Guide is also a helpful resource on budgeting; the latest copy is available to download at https://www.northantscalc.com/uploads/practitioners-guide-2022-8.pdf.  

Download the Budgeting Information Sheet below to access the full guide.