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Guidance for Co-opting Following the Local Elections

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:48:18 UTC by JAMS Assistant

Guidance for Co-opting Following the Local Elections 

Co-opting Councillors Following the Local Elections Held on 6 May 2021

Following the close of nominations on 8 April 2021 for the local elections in May, there are 124 parish and town councils in Northamptonshire (out of 205 up for election) that have fewer candidates than there are seats available.

On 6 May 2021, candidates that have put themselves forward for election will be declared automatically elected, and there will be one or more vacancies to fill following the election. This guidance note applies to those 124 councils.

Subject to being quorate, the law requires that the council fills the vacancies by co-option. The process is broadly similar to the process for filling casual vacancies (which normally occur on the death or resignation of a councillor), but there are two important differences when the vacancies arise due to insufficient nominations for election.