Training & Events:

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


All Training and Events

What you can expect from us:

  • A comprehensive training programme to meet the needs of the sector
  • High-quality training delivered by top quality trainers

  • Venues offering excellent learning environments

  • Joining instructions sent the week before a course

  • Provide Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities

  • Sharing presentation and handouts from courses

  • A certificate of attendance

What we expect from you:

  • Follow your council's procedures to identify training needs and book courses (provisional bookings will be accepted while awaiting council approval)

  • Arrive on time to events

  • Have a learning mind-set when attending events

  • Respect for both the trainer and other participants

  • A minimum of 7 days cancellation notice

  • Honest feedback following the training course/event

  • Report back to the council following the training course/event including presentations and handouts

Online Events

Trainer loses internet/technical difficulties:

Should the trainer experience technical difficulties that impact the majority delivery of the training course/event, including loss of internet, the course will be rescheduled at no extra cost to the council.

Participant loses internet/technical difficulties:

Should you experience technical difficulties that impact the majority experience of the training course/event, including loss of internet, you may reschedule at no extra cost to the council.

Mobile devices and driving:

Our events are live and interactive, you must be in a place where you can do this safely. Driving whilst attending our online events will result in you being removed from the event and your council will be charged the full cost of the course where applicable.

Recording of events:

The move to online training and events has seen an increase in Northants CALC being asked to record and share the events.

We have given this a lot of thought and have made the decision that we will not be recording any training or live online event, for the following reasons;

  1. We want delegates and guests to feel comfortable saying whatever they want, without worrying about being tripped up and it being officially recorded for posterity.

  2. We are concerned that if we record live events and then publish the recording, people will not attend the live events because they can watch the recording.

  3. Furthermore, people may plan to watch the recording and never get round to it. 

We're always willing to consider other views, but for the time being we think it best that people attend the live events and then report back to their councils, using the official summary report as a basis.


Individual Training Courses


We require a minimum of 7 days' written notice for cancellations. Where enough notice is given no charge will be incurred by the council. However, where notice is less than 7 days the full cost of the course booking will be incurred. Additionally, non-attendance without cancellation notice will incur the full cost of the course booking. 

Substitutes may attend in place of the original delegate– if this is the case, please contact us as soon as possible with the details of the new delegate. 


Rebooking onto another course date within the 7 days notice period will defer the charge to the next booking. If this booking is subsequently cancelled your council will be charged the full cost of the course.

For online courses, we recognise technical difficulties may be encountered. It is therefore vital that you make contact with us immediately. The facilitator's contact details will be included in the joining instructions or you can call during office hours; out of office hours you can leave a message. Failure to make contact at the time of the course will be treated as non-attendance without notice and your council will be charged the full cost of the course.

Exceptional Circumstances:

Where there are exceptional circumstances that do not allow for sufficient cancellation notice or non-attendance occurs, each case will be considered on an individual basis at the discretion of the Training Manager. A credit may be given for an alternative course; in this instance you should contact the Training Manager in writing.

Whole Council Training Courses


We require a minimum of 7 days' written notice for cancellations. Where enough notice is given no charge will be incurred by the council. However, where notice is less than 7 days the full cost of the course booking will be incurred.


Rebooking another course date within the 7 days notice period will defer the charge to the next booking. If this booking is subsequently cancelled your council will be charged the full cost of the course.

Minimum no. Requirements:

For whole council training to be effective, the majority  (75%) of councillors need to be present. Where numbers are not sufficient the trainer will discuss the viability of the course with the clerk or chairman (whichever is present). If it is deemed the course is not viable the course will be rescheduled and an admin fee of £150 will be charged to cover the trainer’s time incurred. 


Expectation at face-to-face courses and events

Please follow the latest guidance for Covid:

What we expect from you:

  • Whilst it is not a legal requirement to self isolate, we ask that you do not attend training if you or a member of your household has symptoms or has tested positive for covid within the last 10 days
  • Adhere to the latest social distancing guidelines
  • Whilst it is not a legal requirement to wear a face covering, it is recommended face coverings are worn in crowded and enclosed spaces where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet. You should use your judgement in deciding whether you should wear one.

What you can expect from us:

  • Complete a health and safety risk assessment that includes risks from COVID-19.

  • Follow the late st Covid guidelines for venues
  • Inform all participants of a positive case within 10 days of the event (where known) 

Trainer PPE Requirements:

The trainer may not wear a mask whilst delivering training as it makes hearing and listening more difficult and can detract from the learning experience. Where appropriate the trainer may wear additional PPE to reduce the risk of spreading Covid. 

Cancellations due to Covid

Participants at face-to-face and online courses:

The cancellation policy will apply if you are required to self-isolate due to you or a member of your household having symptoms or testing positive. 

Participants at online courses may still attend provided they feel well enough, otherwise the cancellation policy will apply. 

Trainer at face-to-face and online courses:

If the trainer is required to self-isolate due to themselves or a member of their household having symptoms or testing positive the following will apply;

  • Online courses may still go ahead provided the trainer is well enough or does not have caring responsibilities

  • Where the trainer is unwell or has caring responsibilities the course will be rescheduled at no extra cost to the participant. 

  • Face-to-face courses will be rescheduled as no extra cost to the participant.

Moving face-to-face training to online:

Wherever possible, we will endeavour to reduce the disruption to participants; if a face-to-face course can be moved online due to the above we will inform all participants as soon as is possible. If participants are unable to attend the online training the cancellation policy will apply. 

Online training is not less valuable than in-person training. The perceived value of an educational product is influenced less by the medium of its delivery, and more by factors such as the expertise of the instructor, the specificity of the topic as it relates to your attendee’s needs, personalization in learning, and the value of the outcome or result that your course helps achieve. It is on this basis there will not be a reduction in fee if a face-to-face course is moved to online. 

Attending face-to-face training and events:

Whilst we will endeavour to ensure all participants feel safe at face-to-face training and events, we understand some people may still feel uncomfortable when arriving. Where this is the case please speak to the Training Manager or trainer. Cases will be considered on an individual basis at the discretion of the Training Manager.



Invoices are raised after the event and will show attendance/non-attendance at training and events. We have introduced a 60 day payment term for invoices recognising not all councils meet on a monthly basis.


At the Training Manager’s discretion credit may be applied to each individual circumstance. 

Attendance, Participation and Certification Policy

This policy outlines the expectations for attendance and participation in online and in person training programmes facilitated by Northants CALC. We understand that unexpected circumstances may arise, and this policy aims to balance accountability with flexibility to ensure successful learning outcomes for all delegates.

Multiple Bookings

1.1 When making bookings for an online course or event and the delegates will be sharing a computer, bookings need to be made for each person that will be attending. Where this is not done, the council will be invoiced for the additional place(s). 


2.1 Delegates should arrive on time for training courses and remain for the course duration. Late arrival and early departure from a course are disruptive and unfair to other delegates and trainers and will mean that key information from the training could be missed. Should circumstances arise, in advance of the course, which will lead to a delegate being significantly late or leaving the course significantly early it is recommended that the places is cancelled and rebooked onto another date. Please see  for further information about cancellations. If a delegate arrives significantly late for a training course, the trainer will work with them to assess whether they can still effectively participate.

2.2 For online courses, delegates are expected to be in a distraction-free environment for the duration of the course; this should ideally be either a place of work or home and not while mobile either driving or walking. Our training sessions are live and interactive, you must be in a place where you can do this safely. Driving whilst attending our online training will result in you being removed from the training and your council will be charged the full cost of the course.

2.3 Attendance is recorded through the use of paper attendance lists for in person courses where we ask delegates to sign next to their name. For online courses, names are ticked off the attendance list by the trainer at the beginning of the course using the screen name delegates have logged in as; where a screen name does not match the attendance list delegates may be asked to confirm their name and/or rename themselves. 


3.1 We know from experience that delegates retain the training they receive longer when they have actively engaged in the training course. Active participation in online sessions is essential for successful learning. Delegates are encouraged to; ask questions, engage in discussions, complete in-session activities during both online and in person courses. We understand participation with delegates may be limited due to internet bandwidth and/or technology, participation can be via the chat function, use of electronic hand, polls etc.


4.1 To receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the course, the delegate must have attended the majority of the training course. 

4.2 Where the council are undertaking courses for the Councillor Development Framework as a whole council, all councillors must complete all elements of each stage to qualify for a whole council certification. If councillors are unable to attend the whole council training session they must attend the course as an individual for the whole council to qualify for certification. 

Health and Safety

Northants CALC has a duty to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, to make sure that workers and the visiting public are not exposed to health and safety risks. 

Health and Safety at in-person events

We will: 

  • Have due regard for the health and safety of its employees and anyone else we come into contact with
  • Carry out a risk assessment for each new venue
  • Where appropriate, liaise with venues regarding their health and safety policies and comply with their procedures.

Emergency First Aid

We will: 

  • Appoint qualified emergency first aider and ensure their training is kept up to date

  • Keep records of all accidents and emergencies

For in-person events: 

  • Provide an emergency first aider and emergency first aid box for all in person events

  • Where appropriate, liaise with venues who are responsible for visitors’ emergency first aid
  • In some circumstances, use external agencies for emergency first aid support

Emergencies during online events

An emergency can be defined as a medical, fire or safeguarding concern. 

In the event there is an emergency to a delegate(s) on an online event, where appropriate a facilitator, without disruption to the event, will ask the individual whether they have someone nearby who can assist. If necessary, the event will be paused to ascertain this information. If the individual  has nearby support, the event will continue without further disruption.  

If the individual is unable to respond and the situation is deemed an emergency, the facilitator will in the first instance, contact the emergency contact details provided. Where no emergency contact details have been provided,  the facilitator will try to alert the clerk from the individual’s council.   

Where possible, the event will continue as scheduled. In some instances, it may be necessary to stop the event and reschedule at no additional cost to attendees. 

Fire Safety

As an event organiser, we have a duty to prevent and mitigate the risk of fire at an event.

We will: 

  • Identify and comply with venue’s Fire Safety policies and procedures

  • In the event of an evacuation, all attendees will meet on the venue’s fire evacuation point at which point the facilitator will be responsible for ensuring all delegates have left the building safely by completing the attendance register.
  • In the event an attendee is unable to leave the building safely, the facilitator will make this known to the venue hirer who will assume responsibility for the evacuation of the individual as per the venue fire safety procedures. Once safely out of the building, the attendee will become the responsibility of the facilitator.

Food Preparation and Services

We do not require a licence or qualified staff to provide refreshments at events, we do however have a duty to ensure food is handled safely.

We will endeavour to: 

  • Ensure all food and refreshments are handled safely

  • Ensure ingredients are in date and safe to consume
  • Ensure all refreshment making equipment are sanitised and sterilised before each use

  • As we do not need to hold a licence to provide refreshments at events, we do not have an obligation to label allergens however, where possible we will endeavour to make allergens known

  • Where using external suppliers, ensure licences are current and up to date and use reputable suppliers.


Please follow the latest guidance for Covid:

What we expect from you: 

  • Whilst it is not a legal requirement to self isolate, we ask that you do not attend training if you or a member of your household has symptoms or has tested positive for Covid within the last 10 days

  • Adhere to the latest social distancing guidelines

  • Whilst it is not a legal requirement to wear a face covering, it is recommended face coverings are worn in crowded and enclosed spaces where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet. You should use your judgement in deciding whether you should wear one.

What you expect from us: 

  • Complete a health and safety risk assessment that includes risks from COVID-19.

  • Follow the latest Covid guidelines for venues

  • Inform all participants of a positive case within 10 days of the event  (where known)


Trainer PPE Requirements: 

  • The trainer may not wear a mask whilst delivering training as it makes hearing and listening more difficult and can detract from the learning experience. Where appropriate the trainer may wear additional PPE to reduce the risk of spreading Covid.
  • Whilst we will endeavour to keep everyone as safe as possible, individuals remain responsible for their own health and safety and we will not accept any liability for injury.



                Everyone has a duty to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults. 

                This policy outlines practices that will promote the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults using Northants CALC facilities. 

                This policy will be reviewed regularly.


                Children and young people: anyone under the age of 18 years. 

                Vulnerable adult: anyone over 18 who is unable to care for themselves; unable to protect themselves from significant harm or exploitation; or may need community care services. 

                To whom this policy applies

                This policy applies to all employees and anyone working for or on behalf of Northants CALC whether in a paid, voluntary or commissioned capacity.

                Promoting a safe environment

                In order to promote a safe environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults, Northants CALC wishes to promote a safeguarding culture in its premises and activity areas. In order to achieve this, Northants CALC will:

                • provide safe facilities and undertake regular safety assessments;

                • ensure that employees are aware of safeguarding expectations;

                • make available relevant contact details (see "Allegations against employees"). 

                Employees all have a duty to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults but are not responsible for deciding whether abuse is taking place. If they have concerns, these should be passed on to the authorities as detailed below as soon as possible.

                Allegations against employees

                All employees should take care not to place themselves in a vulnerable position with a child or vulnerable adult. It is always advisable for interviews or work with individual children or parents to be conducted in view of other adults.

                No attempt should be made to investigate or act on any allegation before consultation with the Safeguarding Team.

                Complaints about Northants CALC 

                Northants CALC aims to provide the best possible advice, support, and services to member councils in Northamptonshire. Northants CALC exists to serve and be accountable to its member councils, directors, staff, and partners.

                From time to time a member council may feel that it has not had the best possible service that Northants CALC aims to provide. In such instances it is important that a complaint is made, the circumstances investigated, and necessary corrective action undertaken within reasonable time limits.

                You can download the full Complaints Policy here: 

                West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) Safeguarding Team:

                To get advice or to report a concern about an adult:

                ​​ However, if the concern is ​urgent, contact the WNC Customer Service Centre on 0300 126 7000.

                To report a concern about a child:

                North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) Safeguarding Team:

                To get advice or to report a concern about an adult:

                ​​ However, if the concern is ​urgent, contact the North Northamptonshire Council Customer Service Centre on 0300 126 3000.

                To report a concern about a child:

                You should always call 999 in an emergency – for example when someone’s life is at risk or someone is seriously injured or critically ill. 


                Northants CALC recognises that children or vulnerable adults cannot be expected to raise concerns in an environment where councillors, staff or volunteers fail to do so.

                All employees should be aware of their duty to raise concerns about the attitude or actions of colleagues and appropriate advice will be sought from the Safeguarding Team at WNC/NNC.

                What should be a cause for concern

                Employees should be concerned by any behaviour, action or inaction, which significantly harms the physical and/or emotional development of a child or a vulnerable adult. A child or vulnerable adult may be abused by parents, other relatives or carers, professionals and their peers, and abuse can occur in any family OR in any other area of society, regardless of social class, wealth or geographical location.

                Abuse falls into five main categories:

                • physical abuse

                • emotional abuse

                • sexual abuse

                • financial abuse

                • neglect